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What Ruins Your Heating Pad?

There are so many heating pads out there, but most of them have the same issues.

Those issues include the rotting of the insides of the heating pad, not being able to wash the cover, the insides being infested with bugs

Read on to find out how you can avoid all of these issues.

Rotting heating pad

The biggest problems with most heating pads on the market are that they are filled with food.

This causes a few problems for the heating pads, but one of the major issues is eventually the food on the inside is going to start rotting.

Look clearly at the instructions for your heating pad and it will typically tell you how long you should heat your heating pad.

And this is usually done so you don't overheat the heating pad.

For most heating pads, you might think that if you heat it up just a little bit longer than the instructions say, that you will get a little bit more heat out of your heating pad.

Sometimes that is true, but most of the time, that means that you are over-heating your heating pad.

And that means you are bringing the insides of your heating pad that much closer to being burnt.

Just imagine for a second that you are cooking a pizza and the instructions tell you to cook it for 15 minutes, but you decide to cook it for 20 minutes.

This might be done for a good reason (maybe you like a crispier pizza), but that means you might burn the pizza as well.

Well the same thing is true for the food in your heating pad.

If you try to get more out of the heating pad, you are going to burn the insides, no matter what kind of food you have in there.

And this will eventually lead to the smell of burning from your heating pad and the heating pad will also not heat up as well or as long as you are expecting.

Washing the cover

One of the biggest issues you run into with your heating pad is not being able to wash the cover.

And this includes most heating pads I've researched.

If you have a rice, wheat or corn heating pad, you can't throw your heating pad into the washing machine or you have to worry about what is inside getting rotted.

Since these items are all food, they aren't going to last very long in a heating pad getting wet.

So this means that you have to spot clean the heating pad if it needs to be cleaned.

That means you pull out a wet rag and then you need to dab at the dirty spot until you get it out.

And depending on how clean you want to keep your heating pad, you might have to do this quite a bit.

If you have a cherry pit heating pad, you can actually wash the heating pad, but you need to do it in a certain way.

To wash a cherry pit heating pad, you need to hold the heating pad in a way that you can push all the cherry pits to one side of the heating pad.

Then you can run the water on the heating pad and wash that half of the heating pad as you see fit.

Once you cleaned the one side, then you push all the cherry pits to the other side and wash the other side.

This seems like a cumbersome process to get the heating pad cleaned.

Then you probably need to let the heating pad air dry for a day until it is dry.

Or, for all of these options, you should be able to push the heating pad into the microwave and let it dry out for a few minutes in the microwave.

But don't heat it up longer than you normally would.

Otherwise, you will end up ruining the insides of the heating pad.

Infested with bugs

You can do a pretty simple google search to find out a lot of stories about people finding that their heating pad was infested with bugs.

Here is just a sample of one of the stories.

And there are other stories and videos that show the same thing.

You might be asking why this is happening.

Well, first off, these heating pads are filled with food.

And food isn't only used by us, but it is used as food for bugs as well.

If the company that produces the heating pad doesn't treat the food in the heating pad correctly, then this can attract bugs to the heating pad.

And sometimes this might not be a huge issue.

If you are like us, our heating pad is usually in the freezer until it is ready to be used.

And in the case we need it for heat, we take it out of the freezer and then put it in the microwave for the suggested amount of time.

But there are cases where parents purchase a stuffed animal for their children or for themselves.

These heating pads are nice because a lot of people like to cuddle with a stuffed animal and allowing it to be a heating pad as well gives people the chance to accomplish two things at once.

But if the food in the heating pad doesn't get treated correctly, then it could then attract bugs.

And since someone is going to have that stuffed animal close to their body.

This could then lead to bug bites and other problems because of the bugs.

Why lava sand heating pads are better

All of these concerns then lead us to talk about why lava sand heating pads are so much better than the rest of the heating pads.

First, you aren't going to have to worry about how you wash your heating pad.

Since the heating pad is filled with sand, you can do whatever you want with the cover while you wash it.

You could throw your heating pad in the washing machine (I wouldn't suggest putting it in the wash since the heating pad is so heavy) and allow the washing machine to wash the cover for you.

You can also spot clean it just like the other heating pads, and then dry it off.

In that case, you also don't have to worry about how you dry it off either.

Putting it into the microwave is one way to dry it off.

If you put it in for 4 or 5 minutes, and then find out it isn't dry enough, you can throw it in for another 4 or 5 minutes and not worry about the insides being ruined or rotted.

You could also slow dry it in the oven.

Turn the oven on to 200 degrees and then place the heating pad on a dry rack and place the drying rack in the oven.

We put it on the drying rack because the racks in the oven are typically dirty, so placing it on a drying rack before putting it into the oven would make sure it doesn't get dirty while drying.

Then leave it in the oven for a few hours until the cover is all dry.

Second, you don't need to worry about the insides of your heating pad getting rotten.

Sand doesn't go bad, so no matter how long you heat or if you put it in the freezer, it won't go bad.

This also means that no matter how many times you heat, it won't go bad either.

This is opposite of other heating pads, where eventually your wheat, rice, or cherry pits are going to go bad and you have to replace the heating pad.

Lastly, no bugs in the heating pad.

Bugs aren't attracted to the lava sand, so no worries about bugs coming to the heating pad.

You would still need to make sure you are washing the heating pad.

Because if someone gets some food on the lava sand heating pad, then that will in fact attract bugs to the heating pad.

So make sure to wash the cover of your heating pad regularly.

Additionally, you can purchase more covers for your heating pad, so if you are washing one, then you can put the other one on the heating pad.


Heating pads are a great way to get some relief from your aches and pains.

And a good heating pad can give you a lot of relief.

You want a heating pad that will last you a long time and give you the heat you need when you need it.

So a dependable heating pad is important and one that won't go rotten, has a cover you can wash and won't attract bugs.

And these other heating pads are great options, but a lava sand heating pad doesn't have the same issues and is a great choice.