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Why Lava Sand Heating Pad Are The Best For Your Sports Injuries

There are a lot of great options for heating pads that you can choose from.

But when it comes addressing your sports injuries, the lava sand heating pads are the best option you have.

Reasons for why lava sand heating pads are the best include that they are great for both hot and cold treatment, you can focus the treatment on specific areas better than most heating pads, and that the heating pad will last more than long enough for the expected treatment.

Read on to find out why a lava sand heating pad would be best for your situation.

How to treat sports injuries

First, before we get into the details of this article, I just wanted to give a disclaimer that I don't have a degree in sports medicine and how to treat serious sports injuries.

The things I say in this article are information I've found on the internet and I do the best of my ability to share that information with you.

If you are seriously injured while playing sports, please see a doctor and get checked out before following any of this information.

On that note, there are a few ways you can treat injuries with hot and cold treatments.

According to Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania:

"Because the goal of heat therapy is to soothe and heal damaged tissues, it’s best to use heat when you are dealing with muscle pain or soreness. Doctors often recommend it to treat chronic muscle pain rather than a new injury — we’ll explain more about why later on. That’s not to say putting heat on an injury is out of the question — however, never apply heat to a new injury that is still swelling. Heat will make the swelling and pain worse, which is not what you want. You also should not apply heat if your body is already hot — for example, if you’re sweating. It won’t be effective."

So heat is good to help relieve chronic muscle pain.

Basically, you wouldn't want to immediately treat new injuries with heat treatment.

You will want to use it in most cases when you have a pain that is recurring in your life.

For example, I get lower back pain when I play basketball and then stand up for too long afterwards.

Or, someone might be a runner and when they are done running, their knees gives them problems.

These are perfect candidates for heat treatment.

They go on:

"If you’re wondering, “Should I ice my injury?” here’s some additional advice. It’s best to use ice when an injury first happens, especially if you experience bruising and swelling at the site of your injury. Because it slows blood flow and circulation, ice can reduce bruising and swelling, which helps with pain and healing. Medical professionals don’t typically recommend ice for chronic muscle pain, although, as we’ll talk about later, there are exceptions to this rule.

Unlike heat, however, ice is not for everyone. It can cause some serious problems if people use it too much or incorrectly. People who have a sensory disorder that might prevent them from sensing pain shouldn’t use ice therapy without a doctor’s supervision. That’s because they may not be able to feel it if they leave the ice on their skin for too long, and then it may damage their skin. People who have cardiovascular disease, heart disease or issues with poor circulation should also avoid using ice therapy if they haven’t consulted with their doctor first."

Ice is great for treating injuries right after they happen.

The ice helps to keep bruising and swelling down for new injuries.

For example, if you just went and played basketball and rolled your ankle, you might want to apply an ice pack to your ankle immediately afterwards.

If you were riding your bicycle and you ended up hitting your heat, maybe apply an ice pack to that as well.

And there you have it.

This is the general consensus behind how and when you should use heating pads or ice packs to your sports injuries.

Why lava sand heating pad is best for both hot and cold treatment

So as you can see from above, there are ways and reasons for how you are going to treat your sports injuries.

Hot for injuries that keep on reoccurring, and cold for new injuries right after they happen.

And if you think about it, you can see that a lava sand heating pad is the best for both of these treatments.

Lava sand is very versatile, as it can be used for both treatments without you having to worry about if you are going to ruing the heating pad or not.

I guess the best way to describe this is to start by talking about why the other heating pads are not good for these situations.

With other heating pads, they are filled with things like rice, wheat, cherry pits, or flax seeds.

And these things are mostly food or they come from food.

That means that they will eventually wear out and become rotten on you.

But this is especially true if they put through the process of being heated up and then cooled down repeatedly.

Think, for example, what it would be like for wheat berries to be put in the microwave (heated up) and then soon after being put in the freezer (cooled down).

Food is not meant to be treated this way.

And eventually that process is going to break down the food.

When that happens, your heating pad will no longer be viable as a heating pad.

Yes, it may heat up a little bit, but it won't keep the heat for very long.

And yes, it could be used for a cold pack, but it won't keep the cold for very long either.

You will also have to deal with the smell of burning every time you heat it up.

Lava sand, on the other hand, won't do this to you.

Since it is a form of sand, it can deal with the changes in temperature a lot better than your food heating pads can.

For example, sand will typically come from places that have water.

So the sand has to deal with being heated up by the sun, and then water washing over it to cool it down.

The sand is pretty experienced going from hot to cold to hot again.

This makes it a great option for a heating pad, if you have to use it for both a heating pad and also a cold pack.

Let's say, for example, that someone in your house just rolled their ankle while playing basketball.

They could put the lava sand heating pad in the freezer for about an hour, then it could be used as a cold pack.

Then, soon after that, someone else in the family just got home for a run and they wanted to treat the minor pain they get in their knees after a run.

They could take the same heating pad and put it in the microwave for a few minutes and receive the treatment they need immediately.

This is why the lava sand heating pad is such a great option to treat these injuries.

You can quickly switch from heating pad to cold pack without negatively affecting the heating pad.

You can focus the heating pad on specific areas

When it comes to sports injuries, you want to be able to focus your heating pad or cold pack on the specific area that needs to be treated.

This is the best way you can get the best relief to your pain.

For example, if you roll your ankle playing football, you want to be able to put a cold pack right where the pain is.

And you still want to be able to be in a comfortable position.

So a cold pack that can contour to the shape you need it to is very important.

Of course, whoever is treating you after your injury can tape it or do many sorts of things to get the cold pack to stay in position.

But this may make it hard for you to get around.

So a cold pack or heating pad that could shape to your body is the best thing for you.

With a rice, wheat, or cherry pit heating pad and cold pack, you have to worry about the food sticking together.

This makes it so the cold pack doesn't contour the way you need it.

If you are using it as a heating pad, this isn't so much of a worry because the insides are pretty free flowing.

And as we've mentioned before, you can take the heating pad from hot to cold pretty quickly and without having to worry about if you are ruining the insides of the heating pad.

The lava sand should be able to deal with the change in temperature pretty well without ruining anything about it.

It keeps the heat or cold very well

When it comes down to you, you are going to want your heating pad or cold pack to last you a good amount of time.

If it doesn't, you might find yourself having to get up every so often to heat it up again or throw it in the freezer for a bit.

It's either that or you have to purchase a second heating pad.

But no one really wants to do that.

Compared to most, the lava sand heating pad does an exceptional job keeping the heat in.

If you put the lava sand heating pad into the microwave for 3 minutes, the lava sand heating pad should stay hot for well over an hour.

When considering the rice, wheat, cherry pits, and flax seed heating pads, these last for 30 to 45 minutes on 60 to 90 seconds of heating.

Now this might seem like if you heat up the other heating pads a little bit longer, you will get them to last just as long as the lava sand heating pad.

But this is just not true.

If you heat the other heating pads for more than 2 minutes, you might end up burning the rice, wheat or flax seeds within the heating pads.

And then they will no longer hold the heat for you and will always smell like burning when you heat them up.

For cold, it is much the same on the lava sand heating pad.

If you put it in the freezer, the cold should last you an hour or more.

With the others, you might get an hour of cold, and then you will have to put it into the freezer again.

So overall, the lava sand heating pad is going to give you longer heat or cold.

And this means you get to treat your injury for longer without having to get up and move around.

And your family doesn't have you help you as often as well.


When it comes to sports injuries, there are times to use cold and a time to use heat.

Make sure to use heat when your injury is a long standing one, or one that never seems to go away.

This would include something like hurt knees when you go running or a hurt lower back when you are standing around for too long.

Cold is used when you get a new injury and you need to treat it right away.

The cold slows the blood flow and circulation, which then in turn keeps the bruising away and the swelling down.

And when it comes down to it, the lava sand heating pad is really your best option for addressing all these types of injuries.